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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Polish Up Old Cookie Sheets

I'm not a fan of baking.  Spending time and money on something that is going to enhance my love handles is not my idea of a good time. But I did notice a few weeks ago that my baking sheets were starting to look a bit gross and the idea of using them for any sort of baking made me gag. 

Cookie Sheet Cleaner
You will need:
Baking Soda 
Hydrogen Peroxide

Directions: Sprinkle baking soda onto your cookie sheet.  Pour on enough hydrogen peroxide to get the baking soda wet then sprinkle more baking soda on top of that.  Let it sit several hours then wipe off. 

I found the cookie sheet with the most damage and got my baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

I sprinkled on enough baking soda to cover a section of the pan, then I poured on enough hydrogen peroxide to make the baking soda wet.

I poured more baking soda over it until I had a nice mud pie consistency going.   I put the baking sheet aside and went about my daily routine of pretending to be a Transformer for one child while simultaneously pretending to be a patient in the hospital for the other child.  How is that for multi-tasking!?!

About 4 hours later I came back to check on my cookie sheet.

The Verdict: Some of the gunky build up did come off, but it required a lot of scrubbing.  The original poster said she didn't have to scrub at all and I was really hoping that would be the case for me.  I wondered if it was the type of pan or the type of build up I had so I decided to try again on a new specimen.

After digging through my cupboards I found this beauty.  Doesn't that make you want to have a cupcake right now?  Seriously, how gross is that!!!! I tried to think of the last time I used this thing and I'm pretty sure I made muffins about 2 years ago. It's been collecting rust ever since.

I found a spot on my muffin tin and proceeded to put in the baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.  After it sat for about 4 hours I came back to check on it.

 The Verdict: I rinsed the muffin tin and was pretty surprised at how much better it looked.  The rust was still there, but all the greasy build up had come off with no scrubbing.

So this DIY does work, but depending on what you are using it on you may have to scrub.  And the good news for me?  I now have a new project of trying to get rid of the rust on this muffin tin.