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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Window Blind Cleaner

Do you have a window in your kitchen?  Does that window have blinds?  On a scale of 1-5, how dirty are they?  Off the charts?  Yes I thought so.  Blinds are one of those things that tend to get really gross because you either a) don't think about cleaning them or b) know you should clean them but it's such a hassle you prefer to ignore the problem.

Recently I keep seeing Pinterest posts about cleaning blinds.  Most of the cleaning methods I have seen involve putting a sock over your hand.  While that is a great method for some blinds, it doesn't work well for the common metal blinds that are in most homes.

Let me share with you a trick that my mom taught me.

Window Blind Cleaner
1/2 cup Vinegar
1/2 cup baking soda
bathtub full of hot water

Take a look at the top of the blinds. Do you see that little box on the top right and left corner?  The front of the box opens and you can take the blinds out.  Amazing!!!

Now some blinds don't come out, if that is the case with yours then sit tight and we will address that later. 

 Fill a bathtub with enough water to cover the blinds.  Pour in the baking soda and vinegar and mix it all up.  Put the blinds in the bathtub then go enjoy an episode of Downton Abby
I usually leave it in the tub for at least an hour and some times up to 8.  It just depends on when I get to it again. Drain the tub then rinse the blinds with the shower head.  It's easiest with a detachable shower head but it will still work without one.  Basically you are blasting the blinds with water to take off all the gunk that was just softened during it's spa treatment. 

Let it air dry in the tub or on a towel before you hang it back up. 

The Verdict: This works so well and is so easy to do. The hardest part is cleaning the tub after your done. Here are some before and after photos of blinds I recently did.  You can see the the big blob of something, along with little blobs of who knows what else.

 Nothing is left but water. 

All the blob spots and a little fly ended up in the tub. 

Now for all you folks who have metal blinds that won't come down easily.  Fill a spray bottle with mostly water then some vinegar and baking soda.  It really doesn't matter what ratio you use.  Put a towel under the blinds then spray away.  Spray until the blinds are completely soaked.  Let it sit for awhile then wipe it clean.  You will probably have to do more scrubbing with this scenario, but it still works.

And there you go, you no longer have an excuse for not cleaning your blinds.