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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Teeth Whitener

Several months ago, I had the misfortune of using a very poorly made teeth bleaching kit.  I posted the outcome on my personal blog and have re-posted it on the bottom of this post for your reading pleasure.

A few days after I posted about this incident, a friend of my tagged me in a pintrest about DIY teeth bleach.  After I gave her the finger through the computer (just kidding shay) I started looking into DIY teeth whitening.

Several of the websites I looked at agreed that putting a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide on your teeth was the best method to whiten your teeth.  What they didn't agree on was how often to put it on and how long to leave it on.

So I decided to base my experiment on this website and do it every other day for 10 days and leave it on for about a minute. 

 Here is what the website says;
You will need:
-1 tsp of baking soda
-A few drops of hydrogen peroxide

First combine the baking soda and peroxide and let sit for a few minutes so that the mixture forms a paste. Apply directly to teeth using a toothbrush, avoiding gums and lips. If you do get the mixture on your gums or lips, don't leave it on too long or they will start to tingle. Rinse mouth thoroughly and brush with normal toothpaste and again,
DO NOT swallow the mixture. In about 15 minutes, you'll notice a difference.

Did you catch the part about not getting the mixture on your gums and lips?  This person wants me to brush my teeth and not get anything on my gums or lips?  HAHAHAHAHA! That's a good one.

I made my mixture and while it was sitting I decided to brush my teeth really good so the mixture would actually bleach my teeth and not my left over dinner of pizza tofu.

I dipped my toothbrush into the mixture and started to brush it on the front of my top and bottom teeth.  I did my best to avoid getting it on my gums and lips but that was pretty much impossible.

As I was brushing, the first thing I noticed was how gross it tasted.  No worries about swallowing that nasty stuff, and then..... HELLO PAIN!!!!!  My gums were on FIRE!!!  I can't believe how fast that pain came on.  I spat and rinsed as fast as I could and fortunately the pain did not last.

The mixture was on my teeth for only about 10 seconds so of course I was not surprised that 15 seconds later my teeth looked the same.

Two nights later I decided to try again and try really hard to avoid my gums.  Once again that was impossible but I did notice that it didn't hurt my gums as much.  Each time I brushed this mixture on my teeth the pain was less and less and I was able to leave the stuff on longer and longer.  I never went longer then a minute because after that there was a good chance of accidentally swallowing it because of all the extra saliva that kept piling up.

The Verdict: It worked very well. After the 10 days of brushing the mixture on my teeth every other day, my teeth were noticeably whiter.  In fact when we had our photos professionally taken by Bridgette she told me that my teeth were extremely white and she didn't have to touch them up in photo shop.

Like all whiteners it's not going to last, but one website i found said that if you do it about once a month this will maintain the shade you have. 

These before and after photos aren't great because you can tell that the lighting I am in is different in each photo and a light bulb can definitely make your teeth more yellow in a photo, so you will just have to go on my word and the word of Bridgette that it worked very well.

Here is my original post about the horrible bleach kit I bought;

Disclaimer: below are some very unattractive pictures of me, but I just had to share this oh so fun experience I had.

Recently there was a Groupon deal for an at home bleaching kit that promised to whiten your teeth 1-5 shades.  It was 70% off the regular price, how could I refuse?!?!?!? So I bought one for me and one for my husband.  I eagerly waited for the package and was very excited to have a really white, new smile.  Oh, how I was punished for my vanity.

 Finally the package came, and as soon as the kids were in bed I tore that sucker open.  Looking at the contents and reading the directions made me quickly realize that this was going to fall under the category of "Beauty is Pain."

Inside was a mouth guard full of bleach goo that would be tight in Shaq's mouth. It also had a light that you had to hold against your teeth for 30 min.  This was sounding more and more difficult but I was not going to be discouraged.  So I did the prep work of rubbing Vitamin E all over my gums, then put in the mouth guard.  That thing was HUGE and I couldn't close my mouth over it.  I then pulled out the light and...... it didn't work.  So here I am with the mouth guard in and my light isn't working. Fortunately I had gotten two packages so I quickly opened my husbands and yanked the light out.

I was all panicked that those precious minutes with the guard on and no light was going to mess up my teeth some how.  So I grabbed the light and hip hip hooray it worked.  However, it also had a huge guard on it and now some how I was suppose to stretch open my mouth even wider and fit this huge light in my mouth.

With some force, I got it in and had my lips around it.  Now I had to stay like this for 30 min. You've got to be kidding me! 

After looking at myself in the mirror all I could picture was this.....

While looking for the light that worked I noticed my gums tingling.  With in about 2 minutes they were on fire. The pain was so bad that my mind started racing through profanities which made me laugh because then I was picturing why poor Ralphy had the soap in his mouth.

I kept thinking that I should probably take it out because I was in serious pain but my vanity and tight side took over and I kept chanting to myself "I paid $30 for this and it will be over soon and I will have beautiful teeth." So I decided to take my mind off it by cleaning the house.  Oh how foolish I was.

As I started to move around and pick up toys, the bleach in my mouth decided to move and now my tongue was burning.  I quickly stopped and sat on the couch begging the timer to go faster "baby steps 30 minutes." By the end of those horrible 30 minutes my jaw and lips were aching from clenching down on the mouth guard and light. Finally the timer dinged.  I raced to the bathroom rinsed my mouth and looked at the damage......

I know the picture is gross, but seriously check out that damage.  All the white parts are blisters.  After whimpering and cursing myself for keeping those stupid trays in, I looked at the directions to see if there were any final directions I missed.   The final direction said "rinse and brush thoroughly."  Um, excuse me?  You want me to brush my teeth while I have blistering and bleeding gums?  What type of sick and twisted sadistic person invented this blasted kit?!?!?!?! 

The next several days my gums ached but it was bearable and my teeth went up 3 shades.  Yahoo!  I could deal with that.  It hurt but it was over and I had white teeth.....

A week later I looked in the mirror to once again be awwed by my white teeth and wouldn't you know it, they were back to their old shade.  "OH FUUUUUUDGE!"