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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bathtub Cleaner

I have been making my own soft scrub (that I found here) for several months now.  It works great on bathtubs and on stove tops but I've always had one little gripe about it.

It dries out easily, so sometimes I have to add water and give it a good shake before I can use it again. The more I add water then less potent it becomes, so I end up using more.

It was time for me and this soft scrub to part ways.  Sorry soft scrub, it's not you, it's me...... wait a minute, I take that back, it is you.

I kept seeing a Pintrest pin about Martha Stewart's DIY bathtub scrubber and how it was the "greatest of all time." Every time someone says "it's the best" or "the greatest" I always think of this clip.

But since I was accepting applications for a new soft scrub, I decided to give Martha's tub scrub a shot.

1 tsp liquid soap
Several drops of an antibacterial essential oil.
1 cup of baking soda
enough water to make a paste

I added all my ingredients and was ready to go.  I have no idea what soap I used.  There is a soap dispenser attached to my sink and I can't remember what I put in there. (I have two little kids, I'm lucky that I remember to put deodorant on every day.) But I do know I used On Guard essential oil.

My shower has little grooves on the bottom that like to adopt all the dirt that comes off me while I shower.  It doesn't matter what I say or do to those little grooves, they just let all the specks of dirt move right in.  This makes my shower look like this every few weeks and the only way to get it off  is by using a Mr. Clean Eraser.

 I decided to scrub half of the shower floor to see if this stuff really is the greatest as everyone claimed it was. 

The Verdict:

That is how I felt when I used this scrub. So deliriously happy!

It took some scrubbing, but my shower floor was actually clean.  YEAH!!! Now, it didn't get rid of ALL the dirt, but most of it came off. Towards the left of the picture you can see that one perfect white line where I really scrubbed. 

I only used about 1/3 of what I had mixed up so I put the rest in an air tight jar.  Two days later I checked on it. The oil and soap had separated from the baking soda, but after a couple of good shakes it was as good as new.
Three cheers for Martha Stewart.  How dare I even doubt her homemaking abilities. Of course her stuff is going to be THE GREATEST!