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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Chubby And Fuller Cheeks Tips – How To Get Fuller And Chubby Cheeks – Skin Beauty Tips

Beauty is an important part of woman’s life and how can she takes care of her self is the most important point of her life and beauty.  Most women choose natural ways to get this beauty, as you know the face is the most eye-catching and attractive element in a woman’s body. Keeping the face looking bright beautiful and healthy is every women’s desire for her face and a lots of advice is given on this blog (NewStylishFashion) and here we have some tips on how to get chubby cheeks.

Select the best time to take care of your cheeks daily and you will gather the rewards. There are some different beauty tips and procedures to select from; here are some of them.

“An apple a day keeps away from the doctor” is a saying; a woman should follow this saying woman who wants to get chubby cheeks as well. Get ready an apple poultice and apply it on your face daily in morning.

Tips to get chubby cheeks

·         Make it a daily routine, when you awake up in the morning wash your face after applying sugar with little butter. This procedure is useful to make your skin soft and chubby.

·         If you want to get chubby cheeks within a week, mash an apple and apply it carefully on your face using calm facial strokes and it will provide you the beloved effect.

·         Want to have chubby cheeks so you must use olive oil in your food diet to make your skin soft, chubby, brighter and healthy.

·         If a woman has thin cheeks and she wants to increase more chubby cheeks and want to be more charming so use gargling sesame oil, it will help you to get gorgeous look.

·         Here is the best recipe to get fuller cheeks: all you have to to do mix 3 slices of carrot, 3 pieces of apple, and add half cup of lemon juice,  mix together it and take this mixture daily morning and within a short time your cheeks will become fuller and chubbier.

·         Wish to get great result in a short period? Just mix the following things: blend 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 small pieces of cheese, 1 cup of milk, and 1 tablespoon of oats, take this assortment accompanied with a glass of orange juice on a regular basis to get chubby cheeks.

·         Looking for a wrinkle free face? You can formulate your face mask by mixing 1 teaspoon of papaya paste with 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply this pack for 10 to 12 minutes on your face and wash with warm water; it will make your skin look soft smooth and silky.

·         On a regular basis use of cream or Aloe Vera gel or is recognized for its gift to make the skin seem naturally healthy and also helpful to get chubby cheeks.

Using these best tips you can get fuller and chubby cheeks naturally in a short time.